Climate change is one of the world’s biggest challenges and, as David Attenborough said:
The experts agree we are in a climate emergency and while research shows that large corporations can make the greatest difference, as they produce everything we use, we as individuals can certainly ‘do our bit’ to reduce our carbon footprint, and one of the easiest ways to do so is to simply… walk more.
In today’s world, we are extremely reliant on cars for transport and it’s not great for our carbon footprint. Many of us are guilty of using vehicles even when we don’t have to.
Research by shows just how much carbon emissions can be saved by swapping the car for a bicycle, or those trusty walking shoes, for a 2-mile journey:
A recent Government study also found that nearly 60% of all trips made by car are under 5 miles. So it’s a no-brainer that walking whenever possible for these short journeys instead of driving will reduce the emissions going into the atmosphere.
Further research also shows that around a quarter of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions come from transport.
Walking is the most sustainable and accessible form of transport and choosing to walk more not only cuts down our carbon emissions but also reduces congestion and pollution. It helps make our planet a nicer place to live and is a simple way to help us get to net zero - simply cutting our greenhouse gas emissions to zero.
Walking more is also helping to encourage urban greening. To encourage people to walk more, the UK needs to create green spaces. Research shows that people are attracted to walking when natural features, such as green space, surround them and having greater walking and cycling infrastructure is key to mitigating climate breakdown.
Not only that but walking is great for your physical and mental wellbeing and it’s a free and easy habit to get into. Even if you’re in a rush, walking is also often quicker than navigating road traffic, not to mention finding a parking spot!
How to calculate your carbon footprint
According to Carbon Independent, the UK's average carbon footprint is about 10 tonnes of CO2 per person per year, double the world average.
Of course, walking or cycling more isn’t the only way you can reduce your carbon footprint, there are several carbon footprint calculators online that you can use to identify what impact you’re currently having and find other ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint. Our favourite calculator is from WWF.
So if you’re wanting to increase your steps to reduce your carbon footprint, find out how Becon can add safety to those journeys and help you walk with confidence and peace of mind.